Thursday, March 24, 2011

by the way wednesday

while i know i am beyond late with this BTWW (yes, we are now on acronym terms here) i still wanted to share some little creations i have spotted and subsequently loved. 

i had considered not doing a BTWW at all but then i remembered it's still wednesday some where in the world and for once the time difference proved to be a blessing rather than a curse...think skyping with your finance at 11pm every night for 3 months

how cute is this mini cake by alana k davis

this cake is just tops! by One Charming Party
i love the above idea for a polka dot cake, there's a tutorial on how to do it as well at Inchmark

the above idea is so simple and original. don't you wish you could get married again sometimes, just so you have an excuse to use all the neat ideas you find after your wedding? i know i am not the only one.

i found the above idea on the ruffled blog


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