my lovely french canadian friend mish put me onto and i've got to say i am very impressed. check it out if new music is your thing. there is just so much to like about this website, in particular the aesthetic and the dang good tunes. i particularly love when websites do the work for you who doesn't?, and thesixtyone is like that.
i know how much i love hearing new music so i thought there might be others out there who feel the same. these tunes have been circulating my playlist a lot of late (the videos are nothing special, and some of them are just down right weird, but it's just a good way to hear the songs)
gypsy and the cat - time to wander
funeral party - finale
gaslight anthem - stay lucky
bloc party - this modern love
boy and bear - fall at your feet
noah and the whale - l.i.f.e.g.o.e.s.o.n
architecture in helsinki - contact high
some of these songs a rather old, but i am still loving them