oo em gee i love marriage. or maybe i just love my husband. either which way there is something so nice about doing life with your best friend. it's not always roses, but it is pretty darn good.
i was reading a poignant post by one natalie holbrook over at nat the fat rat (a blog i must say i stalk frequent a lot). she wrote a post about marriage and said a bunch of great things but the one that stuck with me the most was
'be fiercely loyal to your husband'
i liked that so much. i already knew it, but i previously couldn't find the words to articulate it.
fast forward to the hutchins household last night. there wasn't anything particularly special about last night, no romantic dates or grand gestures, but for the most important things there never really is, is there?
i was watching oprah (as you do) and nick was in the kitchen cooking (oh my, you will drool hear about this a couple of paragraphs down). so anyway, oprah was talking.....oh wait, side story to make this story make sense.
nick's from michigan, i'm from sydney, we both live in sydney now and whenever he sees/hears a reference to michigan he goes 'woo'.
so anyway, back to the previous story, oprah was talking about love, peace, happiness, the usual and mentioned ann arbor, michigan.
i said woo (i'm cool like that)
nick from the kitchen says did she mention australia?
i said no, ann arbor, michigan
he said i love that you do that
i said i'm all about you bear
he said i'm all about you nay
and for anyone looking in on our marriage (as you are now) that might seem like an insignificant exchange but for me, it summed up my marriage and so perfectly exemplified what i want our marriage to continue to become.
then, to put a cherry on top of the proverbial 'perfect marriage moment' sundae, he watched oprah with me. ain't he sweet? and he cooks too!
because you stuck with that story now you are rewarded with some snap shots of a wintery weekend in ol' sydney town.
what's going on?
a bit of church
some belt shopping
my spinach, feta & pine nut filo tart (jamie oliver)
people who sleep in have to eat breakfast in the car
nick's chocolate and raspberry bread pudding (donna hay)
i got to lick the spoon (i came running)
post script
i bought some new jeans this weekend
while wearing my new jeans i hear nick wolf whistle behind me
feeling pretty chuffed i turn to take the compliment
he's whistling at the case of corona he's opening
he then started singing my corona to the tune of my sharona
there are no words.