Sunday, March 4, 2012

still no baby up in here

well actually to be more precise, there's still a baby, but it's...

the strange thing about waiting for a baby is that you honestly think it will never come. the rational part of your brain is squashed by the impatient, 'body aching all over' part of your brain that just truly believes every morning you wake up still pregnant, is just further confirmation that this baby, in fact, will never arrive.

now of course, it will arrive (my friend just had one, so it must happen), but do i really believe it? not yet.

funnily enough we talk about this baby arriving a lot, like we are going to pick it up from the airport, like we're just waiting on the phone call as to when to leave. but the baby is already here. she's the closest she will ever be to me, she can hear us talking about her arrival and yet i still feel like she is in some other place and we are just waiting for the knock on the door when someone drops her off to us (wouldn't that be pain free lovely).

it's not that crazy that i would be hoping she would be here by now. i'm just over thirty nine weeks and according to extensive googling, about 45% of babies have arrived by now (that doesn't take into the mother's situation but whatevs). but alas no.

so i shall continue to wait....

post script
i have been working on a very special
project over the past thirty sixish weeks
(with help from my wonderful
assistant nicholas)
so i'll post 
that in just a
couple of days when
it's done.


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