Wednesday, May 18, 2011

by the way wednesday + diy

this by the way wednesday also comes with a side helping of diy, you know i aim to please.

this diy toilet role art is so simple read "so easy even i could do it without screwing it up" and lovely read "looks dang fine!". i originally found this idea on design sponge, the home of any wanna be blogger's crafty pursuits.

who knew a motherload of toilet roles, a hot glue gun and some white spray paint could produce something so utterly perfect?

oh and also i really like these

aren't they pretty? from twig and thistle

and this

what a steezy birth announcement! you could probably use it for anything. this stupendous idea is by 

post script  my spinach leaves are growing 
like gangbusters, it's so exciting, i thought i'd share!


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