or "h n year" as my mother put it in her most recent text message
she's totes down with technology, can't you tell?
twenty eleven was rather wonderful, here's why
january | discovered gelatissimo in newtown, for a couple who live an hour away we frequent this place an embarrassing amount
february | said hi to nick's mum as she came to australia for the first time
march | said bye to all four wisdom teeth. it's like a kick in the teeth, literally
april | turned twenty three. had one of the best days in bondi. i just love the ocean
may | tried to delay the inevitable winter by heading north to the gold coast + theme parks.
still die a little on the inside when i think about that one particular slide
june | finally met charlie in parkes after seeing a million photos on relishingthisseason, loved catching up with old friends
july | celebrated one year of marriage. on our one year anniversary also found out we were expecting an addition
august | got to see baby for the first time. instantly felt in love with this little grainy, black and white baby
september | flew stateside to visit nick's family and tell them the news
october | went to new york. love love loved it. 'nuff said.
november | finally went from looking fat to looking pregnant oh and found out it's a girl!
december | best christmas day in a long long time. first time my brother, sister and i were actually in the same state for christmas day in over five years